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Please read the following to ensure you understand and agree to our terms and conditions in full before buying one of our animals. We reserve the right to retain any and all kids born as replacement animals in our herd or withdraw that animal if it does not meet our quality standards, regardless of deposit. We sell show-quality animals, and if the kid you placed a deposit on, for whatever reason, doesn't meet our standards, we will notify you. Kids can get picked up as early as a couple days old, but they will still be on the bottle. We would also like to state that while our kids, and goats in general, may look small in their pictures, they are not stunted and only look short next to us (their owners and handlers) as we are 5' 9" and 6'. Thank you for your understanding and thank you for the faith you put in our genetics!

A Note:
   Our customers and the FreeFall animals they purchase are very important to us. We enjoy hearing how our animals are doing in your herd and appreciate receiving periodic updates. To show our appreciation to our 4H/FFA customers, we offer a discount on any bottle kid purchased! 


Getting Started:

   All listed prices are firm! If a kid order is canceled (for any reason) after committing to purchase said kid, the deposit, along with any money paid upfront, is forfeited. If lost or stolen any time after payment(s) of any amount have been made, the goat and any monies made cannot be replaced or refunded. At the time of sale, once the kid is paid for in full, you will get the kid and their papers. We encourage you to pick up your kid at our farm so that you can visit the herd and meet related animals. For bio-security purposes, we do ask that you refrain from wearing farm clothes and shoes that you wore around other animals/in barns. You will not be permitted inside the pens with the animals at any time. All animals bred by FreeFall are sold with the option that, in the event, the animal must be resold, it will first be offered back to us, FreeFall Nubians. All bucks are sold with the option that we will be able to purchase 20 straws of semen back at the cost of collection. We ask that you refrain from marketing your semen until you have been able to evaluate his milking daughters. When marketing semen from your FreeFall buck, we ask that you represent him with his milking daughters and not his dam unless you have asked for our permission to do so beforehand. We do NOT sell doelings as pets to make sure they do not get bred. There is no price difference between registered and unregistered animals, with the exception of wethers. We are more than happy to give an honest evaluation of the kid you're buying, along with answering any questions you might have about the genetics and performance of our animals. Thank you for your understanding!

Reserving Your FreeFall Kid:
   At this time, we are only accepting reservations for buck kids. Any bucklings born without a reservation will be wethered. Doe kids are available by waitlist only, if you are interested in a doeling we will write you down and let you know as soon as one is available. The prices quoted are for domestic, pre-ordered kids only that are picked up or shipped by the time they are 1 week - 2 months of age. Kids that remain at the farm after the allotted time frame are subject to a boarding fee of $5/day. If you would like to reserve a kid, we require that you send a nonrefundable deposit of $100 per kid ordered, as all kids are subject to prior sale unless we have a specific order with a deposit. Reservations are made based on the order in which deposits are received (first come first served). A reservation is not made until we receive your deposit! We only accept two buck kid reservations per doe. Please understand that the remaining balance of your kid order is due within 21 days of notification of birth unless plans were made to pay the remaining balance at the time of pickup. We will notify you when your optioned kid is born. If we do not get a response within 48 hours, it will be considered a canceled order. If the balance is not paid within 21 days and other arrangements have not been made, the kid may be offered to another buyer and the deposit, along with any monies paid, will be forfeited. If your choice of kid is not available or does not meet our standard of quality, we will gladly refund your deposit, hold it over to the following year, or transfer it to another available kid if you desire, however, there are no refunds on canceled orders. Kids that are born that have not been pre-reserved will first be offered to buyers with paid deposits whose reservations could not be filled.

   By making an official reservation with a deposit you accept and agree to our Terms of Sale in its entirety.

Payment Methods:

  • PayPal transfers (including PayPal fees if not using F&F) should be sent to:

  • Checks or other money orders should be made out to Danielle or Kathrine Braasch. Contact us for our mailing address!

*Please note: There is a $50 charge on any checks returned for non-payment.  In addition to the $50 fee for returned checks, all previous discounts are voided. 

Buying A Bottle or Weaned Kid:

   When buying a kid that is already born (with no prior reservations), the total price is due in full at the time of purchase. All wethers have a base price of $50-100 if they are under the age of 2 weeks old. Kids will be listed as available until they're is picked up. We do not hold kids that weren't reserved! We can work with your schedule to pick a time when you can come and pick up your kid. Kids that remain at the farm after the allotted time frame will be relisted for sale and any monies paid will be forfeited. We only accept cash payments for kids that weren't reserved/on a notification list!

By buying a FreeFall goat you accept and agree to our Terms of Sale in its entirety.

Bringing Home Your FreeFall Kid:
   The buyer is responsible for any and all pickup costs and prep for ground shipments prior to the time of pickup. We do recommend an enclosed bedded carrier for your kid, it is dangerous to have an uncrated animal in a moving vehicle. Kids should not travel in open truck beds, without coverage and something secure to keep them from jumping out and to keep road debris from hitting them. A trailer is also a great way to transport, especially if you are buying many goats or older goats. Rabbit cages, open wire dog crates, uncovered truck beds, small vehicle trunks, etc., are very unsafe and not recommended. We will not let a goat go if we feel the way of transportation is unsafe! The sale will be put on hold, and you, as the buyer, will have to arrange for a better and safer way to bring the animal home. We will provide the registration certificates and transfers to ADGA members along with your kid(s) and after the final balance has been paid in full. We abide by the ADGA Recommended Trade Practices for Members (section XIX in the ADGA Guidebook). All out-of-state ground shipments that require a CVI for travel to the destination state, will be paid in full by the buyer.

   Due to the uncertain nature of professional or 3rd party ground transport companies, they are accepted on a case-by-case basis only and must be approved by us prior to transport. The buyer will cover all costs. We will not be held liable for any health-related issues or death once animals leave our farm. All animals will leave in excellent health! We also cannot guarantee that the animal you bought from us will come to you clean (CAE, CL, Johne's, etc., negative) if you will be using a transporter, due to the possibility of the stock you bought from us coming into contact with a sick and/or diseased animal during transportation. 

   Once you arrive back at your farm, we recommend quarantining your new FreeFall goat for a minimum of 14 days, if possible. While we are a clean herd, it gives you a chance to test our young stock if you have any concerns, before letting them out with your resident goats. Common diseases like viral and bacterial respiratory diseases are at the top of the list of diseases that are easily spread by new animals introduced into a herd. A new introduction can also bring intestinal and external parasites to your farm that your goats aren't used to dealing with, due to the difference in farm locations, vegetation, etc.

We reserve the right to refuse service/sales to anyone. Placing our animals into homes where they won't be properly taken care of or could possibly put them in danger is not something we do. Please be honest with your intentions when buying, as we do sell to meat buyers and pet homes if we have animals who would be a good fit. We do not discriminate against a person's sex, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability. For those under the age of 18, we do require proof of parental/guardian consent to purchase one of our animals. We will not be able to sell to minors who do not have parental/guardian consent. The parent/guardian who consented must be present during pick-up and have an official ID. Anyone who purchases an animal from us must provide proof of their identity (ie: driver's license, school identification, birth certificate, etc) during pick up if requested. 

Terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without prior notice.

We look forward to your purchase!


FreeFall Nubians Wisconsin Nubian Goats
FreeFall Nubians Wisconsin Nubian Goats
FreeFall Nubians Wisconsin Nubian Goats
FreeFall Nubians Wisconsin Nubian Goats
FreeFall Nubians Wisconsin Nubian Goats

© 2020-2025 FreeFall Nubians, Newton, WI, USA. All rights reserved.

Website created and maintained by Kacey & Danielle Braasch. Last Updated: January 26, 2025

No material from this website may be used without direct permission. All third-party images are property of their respective owners.

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